Historian, Writer, Teacher

Historian, Writer, Teacher

I’m a historian of the 20th-century United States and an Assistant Professor at Santa Clara University. My work is shaped by a deep commitment to understanding how race, ethnicity, and gender shape migration and diasporic communities. I began my intellectual journey at Antelope Valley College, a community college in Lancaster, CA where I grew up. I took classes part-time for several years while working as a licensed esthetician and raising a family. In 2008, I completed an Associate of Arts degree, becoming the first in my family to earn a college degree. I transferred to the University of California, Berkeley soon after earning a B.A. in history before completing a Ph.D. from the University of Chicago. 

Picture Bride, War Bride: The Role of Marriage in Shaping Japanese America
Picture Bride, War Bride: The Role of Marriage in Shaping Japanese America

Picture Bride,War Bride

The Role of Marriage in Shaping Japanese America

on sale august 20, 2o24!
My new book coming spring 2o24!
My new book coming august 2o24!
My new book coming
august 2o24!

Past Events

Historian | writer | Teacher
Historian | writer | Teacher
Historian | writer | Teacher
Historian | writer | Teacher